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Choosing the Right Suburb

One of the main reasons a property’s location is so important can be captured neatly in the old adage ‘you can change a house, but you can’t change its location’. However, searching for the perfect location involves more than simply looking for the worst house in the best street. Unless we’re going to accept a life locked in our homes, living via the internet, most of us value a sense of community and it’s essentially‘community spirit’ that makes a suburb a thriving hub of activity attractive to home buyers. It’sowner occupiers that underpin property values, so choosing the right property, in the right suburb, is important from both a lifestyle perspective, as well as an investment perspective.

Shops, schools, public transport, night life, parks, and other social facilities, are all provided when demand reaches a level to warrant the economic investment. When newer suburbs evolve, they initially share these facilities with their inner partners before creating their own unique identity; therefore suburbs that have been established for a period of time – usually evident in the architectural landscape – will offer the widest range of amenities well suited to solid capital growth.

Click here for the rest of the article (Source: Home Buyer Show Website)