
Refresh the page for more testimonials

Courtney James and Justin Lilburne of JPP Buyer Advocates helped us locate and buy our perfect first home in only 4 weeks. We were 100% satisfied with their service; from the initial consultation through to the inspection process, negotiating purchase and navigating settlement, they were there to offer expert advice and guidance. The extensive report they compiled on our chosen property meant that we were comfortable and confident with the amount we paid, and their assistance in the negotiation process was indispensible. We believe they saved us time, money, and a lot of stress and we would recommend their service to any homebuyer.

Sarah & Nick

Sarah & Nick


On behalf Ross and myself, we would like to express our appreciation for the professional service provided in finding and purchasing our new investment property in McKinnon.

JPP impressed us from the start, especially compared with the other buyers agencies that we had approached for information. Ian, you were very approachable, knowledgeable and confident and made us believe that all this would work., you were a superstar, efficiently doing all searching and inspecting, taking pictures, analysing, talking to real estate agents and keeping us informed of any developments on a daily basis.

Your knowledge of the market, enthusiasm, dedication to find a property that met our criteria and exceptional negotiation skills helped us to secure the house in the area that we initially thought was beyond our budget.

Buying the property with you was not only a stress-free, but enjoyable and very educational experience. We would highly recommend you to anyone who is interested in purchasing a property.

Thank you for your outstanding job!

Kind Regards,

Ross & Natasha

Ross & Natasha

Hello Courtney,

Purchasing a home in Melbourne from interstate is a daunting proposition but Courtney and Ian made the process so much easier. Instructing JPP Buyer Advocates was a major decision in our home buying process and one that I would recommend to anyone purchasing a home and needing some help. They are an extremely professional team and worked hard to secure the right place for us. From finding out about our wants and needs in, to searching for suitable places, visiting them, to the expert advice on land values, prices, local areas etc right down to the negotiation skills which eventually resulted in success. Even after successfully assisting with our purchase, their after sales service is second to none.





It’s only a week now before settlement and I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and your team for their professionalism and support over the last six months. You made the journey enjoyable and stress free and I learned many valuable lessons along the way.

Purchasing an investment property has been a goal of mine for many years, and with the abundance of properties available on the market I didn’t know where to start. You provided a methodology that was simple and well researched and this ultimately gave me the confidence to complete my first purchase – the first of many I hope.

What impressed me the most was your level of honesty and integrity. Your amicable and open style made the whole experience a joy and I was never pressured to purchase any of the properties presented to me.



Engaging JPP to do our house hunting for us was a brilliant idea. Our advocate Justin saved us a huge amount of time + effort and his knowledge of the market was outstanding.



It was only a few short months ago that we first read through the testimonials on the website, and now here we are writing our own.

After our first meeting with Ian we were impressed by his friendliness, knowledge of the area and insight into the real estate industry. Over the course of subsequent meetings we also found he was a great source of knowledge, had a keen interest in our [sometimes changing] needs and didn’t get to spend nearly enough time out in his boat.

It was time spent sharing his wealth of experience and valuable insight that we valued most, whether it be enthusiastically taking us off to open inspections, or attending an auction for a property that wasn’t quite right, but had captured our eye anyway. In time though we came to realise without any doubt that we missed out on the ‘not quite right’ property, when the opportunity arose to make an offer on one that was exactly right. Sensing our eagerness, and with a canny sense of timing, Ian stepped in and took control of the situation, planned a strategy as he stood in the hallway, and within a few hours we were first home owners.

These testimonials are real; they’re written by very happy people, just like us.



We’d like to acknowledge the excellent service you provided us with in buying our first home.

We particularly like the way you involved yourself in the whole process from the searching right through to the signing of the contract. Having an independent person providing their advice and opinions was invaluable.



Dear lan,

We would like to sincerely thank you and Courtney for the support and professionalism provided throughout the purchase of our Warrandyte home.

As you would know, buying a house can be an emotional and stressful experience. We appreciate that this was not the case for us as we knew we had your expertise. The level of customer service that we received was excellent; every phone call was returned, every email answered and our every concern was addressed. Having you and Courtney by our side on auction day was a great comfort to us and your negotiations with the agent to secure the property post auction was when your skills and years of experience truly showed.

Your service was money well spent for us. We have already recommended JPP Buyer Advocates to a number of people and would not hesitate to use your company again in the future. Thanks again for helping us to make the home of our dreams the reality of our future.

Yours faithfully,

Diana and Chris

Diana and Chris

Hi Justin,

I’d like to thank you and the team for your help over the past few months.

Your continual guidance through the entire process has been exemplary and I appreciate every moment. You provided valuable insights on the property market and the purchasing process and helped me identify what I value in my first home.

I am thrilled with the result – the property is larger, in a better location and in a better condition than what I hoped for.

I have no regrets. I have already started recommending you and the value JPP can bring to the search and purchase journey.

I will be returning to engage your services in the future.

Please pass my appreciation onto everyone involved.

Thank you



Ian was very professional during our engagement and provided advice at every step of the process. Having him next to us at the auction gave us all the confidence. JPP will now be managing the property for us as well. Thanks Ian and team. Hope we can do more business together in future.



I just wanted to send a huge thank you to both Justin and Ian for helping me find a new home.

When I first approached you, I was in a world of stress! It all went away as soon as we started working together though, I knew right from the initial meet-up that I had made the right decision.

I’m still grinning about the house a couple of weeks after purchase – Justin seemed to read my mind in finding just what I wanted, and I can’t wait to move in. Having someone batting for me at the auction was the best thing, and I absolutely could not have achieved the same result on my own – I am certain of that.

I wouldn’t hesitate for a second in using JPP again in the future and have already recommended you to a few friends.
Thanks again!



Hello Justin

Where do I start? How about Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.

I am sitting in my own place and I can’t believe how quickly I got here!! I wanted to find a way to show my appreciate to Justin and Ian for helping making this happen, so I thought I would write a little thank you letter.

The 6 months of searching for what seemed like for ever, was a big stress and time consuming exercise for me, but an exercise that I was wholly committed to. Looking for a property when you’re doing it by yourself is a lot more difficult than anyone could ever imagine.

Ian – thank you for your knowledge and experience and giving me the confidence to know that I was making the right decision.

Once again, Thank you for helping me find my little place and making my dream come true! It still feels strange to be here, but it’s a feeling I am definitely happy to get used to!



Dear Ian & Justin

We Sincerely appriciate your time and effort in helping us find our beautiful home.

Despite some change in our circumstances which caused the 6-month delay, you have been very understanding and patient in accomodating our needs.

We have learnt so much about real estate, negotiation and interior designs (from Justin especially) during our time spent with you.

We would certainly engage you in our next property purchase and would not hesitate to recommend your services to our friends.

Thank you and we’ll be in touch.

Yours sincerely

A & F

A & F

Dear Courtney, Ian & the rest of the JPP team,

Been in our new place about a month now and we’re finally feeling settled in! Still working on getting our kitchen renovated.

A belated Thank You for all your help in getting this first house of ours!

Best Wishes,

Jonathan & YeePing

Jonathan & YeePing

Just to let you know that we are all moved in. Everything went very smoothly, although that doesn’t stop you getting stressed about it, and of course now we have the piles of boxes to sort out. But the house is great, and starting to look really good with all our stuff in it. I have been very pleased with how it has all worked out, I think we are going to be really happy here. The boys seem to love it too, and they cycled down to the beach yesterday which was fantastic.

Thank you so much for all your help and support. We really appreciate it.

Caroline, Alastair, Gregory and Jonathan

Caroline, Alastair, Gregory and Jonathan

Hi Justin and Ian,

Thanks very much for all your assistance in helping me to buy my first home. After many failed attempts on my own, your valuable experience and expertise made all the difference.




We were nervous about adding to the cost of buying a home, but choosing Ian James was the best decision we made. Money well spent because we paid much less for our house than we thought we needed to and the way Ian managed our buying strategy and the selling agent was masterful. We can’t thank Ian enough!




I have been meaning to write something down about the service you gave as representative of JPP.

Alan and I were very happy with service received from JPP. When ever possible we tell people that they should use you. The expertise you bring are excellent and helped us understand the process and what to do and what not to do. You discuss at the beginning that by using JPP it will save us money and in our instance and the current environment of Melbourne’s market I believe you saved us 100,000 or enabled us to get into a suburb which going to auction would have gone way over our limit. You worker tirelessly to help us purchase a home. You got know what it was we were after and only presented things to us meet our needs. This and more is a reason why I would use you again and suggest to anyone to use.

Kind Regards

Amanda, Alan, Isaac and Jacob

Amanda, Alan, Isaac and Jacob

Dear JPP:

Thankyou. Your enthusiasm, experience and friendship have been a real bright point in this fairly daunting process.

Thanks also to Ian and the JPP staff for working so hard on my behalf.



Dear JPP and Sam,

I have been meaning to write and say Thank You, but have been a little busy. I have not forgotten all the wonderful work and phone calls and encouragement you gave Michael and I.

I can’t believe how much we are enjoying our house and we can’t thank you enough. The wait, although I thought it would never end, was worth it in the end as we really feel like we have a home now.

Ant I really have to thank you for knowing and understanding what Michael and I were looking for and being patient enough to help us find the right place. Your experience certainly helped us to gain an appreciation of the market, what to look for and how to look at houses. I will always be thankful for your patience and direction, particularly when I was troubled by a fence or the position of the air conditioning or other silly things that should not have been “deal breakers”.

Just wanted to let you both know that we were really thrilled with the service and will of course recommend you to others when we can.

Thanks Again,



Your knowledge, experience and understanding of the real estate market, how it works, the procedures to be followed in closing a house purchase, your contacts with excellent solicitors, ect., is unexcelled in my view. Ian worked very hard to get us the best possible deal, was very accessible, contacted us regularly and was a real pleasure to deal with. We would have been seriously disadvantaged if it were not for him, We are grateful to your organization and appreciate everything he has done for us.



We had never used a buyers advocate before, so were very skeptical of their value. From the first point of contact the team at JPP were going out of their way to help us. The online web page and email contact suited us and we ended up with the property we set out to buy. We will use JPP again.

Jim & Naomi

Jim & Naomi

Just wanted to say thanks for all the work in finding and securing my property. The service from start to finish from Justin was everything I needed and more and allowed me to make a stress free decision.



Thank you very much for helping us find our new property.
I feel that Ian is an excellent advocate and he is genuinely interested in finding something that suits not just our budget, but our life style, our need of space, and the quality of the property with it’s future potential in mind. We really appreciate JPP’s professionalism and being on our side!



Although our search for a new home was frustrating at times, both Ian & Paul were our rock & kept us focused & calm.
We appreciate the time & effort given to us from the beginning of our journey to the end.

Thank You

Mark and Jodie

Mark and Jodie

We would have no hesitation in referring our friends and family to JPP. Courtney and Ian both assisted in reducing stress levels associated with finding and buying a new home. It was fantastic not having to deal directly with real estate agents and not having to negotiate our final purchase price. If the opportunity arises, we’ll certainly use JPP again

Kate & Nick

Kate & Nick

Dear Courtney,

Thank you so much for all of your help, support & sense of humour while helping me find my dream home. Your dedication + patience were extraordinary! I would not have survived or purchased my perfect home without your help.
I love the house, feel completely at home & will be forever grateful to you, I could not be happier!

I wish you all the best for the future & will be in contact if I am ever looking for another property!

Kind Regards,



Hello Sam,

Just a short note to say “Thank You Very Much” for the work you put in and the help you gave us in the purchase of 1/2 York St.

It was a pleasure to hear a professional at work.



Hi Sam,

First I’d like to thank you again for your effort before and in the auction. I appreciate your researches and comments left in the worksheet. The evaluation report is very straightforward and gives me an accurate estimate before the auction. During the auction the strategy set is very useful and works very well. It’s a good experience with JPP and I hope we can work together again in the future.




Ian helped us to found a home during a particularly slow / quiet market. We had to go back a few times to square one but he was very supportive. Ian and his team were very committed and experienced. It made the purchase process very smooth. Thank you for your help.

Nat and Flo

Nat and Flo

I’m a first home buyer and had been looking for a home for about 6 months before a friend recommended Ian. Right away Ian took 90% of the stress (and time!) out of the process by providing sound property advice and managing negotiations with agents, having contracts reviewed etc. It made the decision very easy when I finally found the right home for me and meant I got it at a good price too!



Dear JPP

I can’t thank you enough for everything you did to help me purchase my first home, I know i’ll be really happy there!

Thanks again + keep in touch



When you haven’t bought property before, you should consider a buyers advocate. We did & it’s the best decision we’ve made.

I would recommend them in the future.

Carla & Paul

Carla & Paul

Hi Sam,

Sorry, I have not been able to get back to you and Ian sooner but Meagan and I have been very busy with the new house, work and the Kids.

Firstly we would like to thank you and Ian for the professional manner in which Prospect Grove was purchased.

I have spoken to a number of real estate agents and people both inside and outside of the area, and all of then agree that we have saved ourselves between 15 and 20 thousand dollars by using your service, not only have we saved ourselves this money but it also took away the stress, the unknown and the dealing with real estate agents.

Meagan and I have no problems in recommending you and Ian to others looking at purchasing property.



Ian and Justin are excellent advocates.

Not pushy to make “a deal”.

Highly recommended.



Courtney and Ian,

We thought we’d send you an email to finally say a BIG THANKS to you and your JPP team for their assistance in obtaining our Elwood investment property in October this year. Courtney has been an absolute pleasure to work with. We found her weekly research on what’s good and not-so-good on upcoming properties for inspection a massive time-saver and it was helpful to have her insights and opinions on potential properties she has come out to see with us on most Saturdays. When we eventually found the right property to go ahead with, having Ian and his extremely great negotiation skills on our side was a definite advantage because he managed to secure the property (which was in an excellent location and has great capital growth) before auction for a price that we were more than happy with. And even after settlement, it’s great to know that they have always been available for any questions we have. We couldn’t have done it without JPP and we only wished we had used you when we were buying our first investment properties a while back!

Have a Merry Xmas and speak to you in the New Year which we hope will be an even better year than this one.


Magan & Ivette

Magan & Ivette

Courtney and Justin were able to find us the perfect house. They supported us through our search and most importantly, secured the house we wanted at a reasonable price in a very competitive area. We recommend Courtney and Justin for anyone looking for a home.

Robert and Rebecca

Robert and Rebecca

Hi Ian,

Just thought I’d drop you a quick line. In case you don’t remember, you helped us secure our little townhouse in Cremorne about a year ago for $389k. We couldn’t be more chuffed with it all.

Anyway, the unit two doors down went up for auction today. It’s essentially identical, except it’s unrenovated and their carport is crammed into the backyard instead of out front. It just went for $530k, after some intensive bidding. Needless to say we’re pretty happy with that. Looks like we’re on a nice little earner.

Hope all is well with you.



This was our first home purchase and buying during the lock down period was full of uncertainty. Ian was great at keeping us fully involved and aware of proceedings, alleviating our concerns and making the transaction less stressful. At all times, I knew Ian was being upfront and honest and on my side to help to secure the best deal. I got in touch with JPP through a recommendation and I have no problems recommending the same to anyone else looking to purchase their next property.



We are absolutely delighted with our purchase which meets all our requirements and we could not have done it without you.
From beginning to end (all of 1 week), we found the JPP team to be extremely professional, efficient and most of all friendly and easy to communicate with. We will definitely be back.

Alan & Carol

Alan & Carol

Justin provided excellent communication and service. He attended to all our queries with the utmost understanding.



Hello, everyone!

We tell our friends that the quality of the advice we received from Ian and Justin has been absolutely worth it!

We achieved a great result in a very challenging market but we have also received a lot of value in the services provided. JPP shielded us from the manipulations of vendors and their agents. They helped us approach each new property with so much insight and information.

They bid on our behalf at auctions – and they are absolute masters at it!

To Ian and Justin: We hope to engage you again in about 10 years’ time to buy our next property!

Francis and Birgitta

Francis and Birgitta

Ian gave us more than we could ask for. He was tremendously helpful even before we engaged his services, going over and beyond what we expected. He gave us very good advice throughout the whole process and communicated clearly & concisely. I would highly recommend him!




I am writing to express my appreciation for the services you and your firm have provided regarding the purchase of my property in Moonee Ponds.

Although we were conducting business from the other side of the world, I felt comfortable from the outset that you and your firm would provide a good balance of expertise and down to earth honesty. I always felt I new exactly what was going on. Communications were excellent.

I like the balance of confidence in your own expertise mixed with a dose of practical reality and honesty. I would highly recommend your services to others with similar needs. In fact I have already.



Buying property in Melbourne is hard. It’s fast paced and you need to know exactly what you’re doing or you’ll miss out. That’s why my husband and I engaged the services of JPP and more specifically Ian. We needed someone who could guide us through the battle field of the Melbourne property crush and lead us to victory! And Ian succeeded 100%. Ian’s knowledge of Melbourne property is invaluable. Layering onto this his knowledge of the bidding / buying process and the local agents made it feel like we had a strong advantage over other buyers. Ian also took the stress out of things because he was able to arrange building inspections etc and of course be there on auction day to handle the bidding and navigate us through the process when we finally won! What a wild ride! If you’re considering buying property in Melbourne and haven’t done it before, get stressed easily, don’t know what to do, would value having a sounding board to discuss a property with or are just generally short of time then get JPP involved and take the stress out of buying property in Melbourne.



Dear Sam, Sam and Ian,

Thank you very much for all your fantastic support with helping us to buy our house! We cannot thank you enough for the great advice you gave us and your generous time and friendly approach to everything.

We are very grateful and are always happy to act as referrals at any time.

Thank you for the ongoing advice and support below, we are grateful.

Warm regards,



Ian and Courtney were a wealth of knowledge, Without JPP’s services there’s no telling how stressful this process may have been. Money well spent

Crystal and Michael

Crystal and Michael

JPP impressed us from the start, especially compared with the other buyers agencies that we had approached for information. Ian, you were very approachable, knowledgeable and confident and made us believe that this would work. JPP, you were a superstar, efficiently doing all searching and inspecting, taking pictures, analysing, talking to real estate agents and keeping us informed of any developments on a daily basis.



We’d like to acknowledge the excellent service you provided us with in buying our first home.

We particularly like the way you involved yourself in the whole process from the searching right through to the signing of the contract. Having an independent person providing their advice and opinions was invaluable.




As I tell more of my friends about my property purchase, I find myself speaking enthusiastically about the experience of working with my buyer’s advocate.

One of my friends, who was a bit skeptical, at first, that anyone should need such assistance, was completely convinced by the professional service she could see I was getting. And when I look back, I am a bit surprised to realise that the process was, at least for me, really quite quick and almost painless! Thanks once again.



Your service is very great! We very satisfy!



Buying a house is an emotional, new journey to many…So try doing it from another state!.

JPP advocates took the time to invest in our understanding right through the process, explaining steps and confirming our position.

We Thank You!



I have used JPP Buyers Advocates twice and I would not hesitate to use them again. On both occasions I was extremely happy with the job Ian did. He discussed various strategies he was going to use and explained why. He provided immediate updates throughout the negotiations. I always felt comfortable that we were in control and were going to get the best result.

The level of customer service was excellent. They are very friendly people.

I’ve recommended them to my friends and would gladly recommend them to anyone else who was buying property.




Dear JPP,

A little note to say thank you for making what had seemed a nearly insurmountable task not only possible but easy and dare I say enjoyable.

It was reassuring to know I could entrust this very important and valuable task of finding a new home to you.

Thank you for all your advice, your thoughts and guidance every step of the way, for handling those tricky and nerve racking negotiations & for keeping me calm at the auctions.

Most of all, thank you for your encouraging support, warmth & kindness. It truly has been a delight working with you.

Take care of yourself – Don’t work too hard!

Warmest Regards,



As a second time client I’m overwhelmed by your expertise, guidance, friendship, professionalism and Knowledge as we searched for my new home. My requirements were more restrictive this time, yet no question or problem was to small to be answered or dealt with cheerfulness, guidance or a solution. Ian alerted me to potential problems, provided options and we found the home that I hope to live in for many years.

I’ve recommended Ian to all of my family and friends.



I’m really glad I made the decision to use JPP Buyer Advocates. Justin gave me excellent advice and had a thorough knowledge of the market. The services represented great value for money. I would certainly use JPP and Justin again.



Hello Courtney,

Purchasing a home in Melbourne from interstate is a daunting proposition but Courtney and Ian made the process so much easier. Instructing JPP Buyer Advocates was a major decision in our home buying process and one that I would recommend to anyone purchasing a home.



Ian James was extremely knowledgeable, honest and straightforward to deal with. We always felt he was on our side and operated in our best interest. He would offer his advice and share his knowledge of the market freely and was comfortable to challenge us if he thought something was not a good investment and would clearly explain why. The lines of communication were always open. We will be recommending him to others and would use him again without hesitation for our next house purchase.

Halah & Lorian

Halah & Lorian

Ian James helped us buy our current family home 15 years ago, and recently managed the sale of our just-married (pre-kids) home. For the small number of real estate transactions a family undergoes in a lifetime, why wouldn’t you have Ian on your side?

Ian’s value to the buy or sell transaction cannot be overstated. In our recent sale as Vendor Advocate, he was effectively the project manager accountable to us, and we leaned heavily on his decades of knowledge (and passion) for real estate in Melbourne, his contacts, and ability to be a step ahead of the process – and all this without paying a cent more than we would if we were only represented by the real estate agent.

Importantly, Ian was able to translate “real estate speak”, and he would always convey the underlying dynamics affecting our sale, minus the “BS” – from price, to presentation, to tactics. Always proactive and diligent, he held our hands every step of the way, including the mundane like re-connecting power, until the property was sold on-the-hammer, 10% above reserve in a subdued market.

When we downsize, Ian will (hopefully) be our advocate for the house he helped buy for us! We cannot recommend his advocacy any more effusively.



JPP worked tirelessly in finding me a great property at a good price. She did things that I wouldn’t have done (hours and hours of legwork) and more importantly, couldn’t have done (organising the purchase before anyone else had even put in an offer). When I was ready to give up, JPP kept working. I’m am certain that I never would have been able to buy the same property within 10k of what we eventually settled at. JPP more than earned her fee, and I would highly recommend her as a buyers’ advocate. I will be going to her again when I next want to purchase a property.

Take Care



Ian and JPP helped us every step of the way.

We are 100% sure we wouldn’t have been successful without their tireless effort & updates throughout.

Thank you



When we bought our current house 5 years ago we asked JPP to help us find it. When we needed to rent out our investment property, they also helped with that. So when the time came to sell our investment they were the first people we called to see if they could help.

JPP got a few real estate agents to look at the property, helped us with selecting one and worked with the real estate agents to sell the property. Every time we deal with JPP we are reminded about how much it helps to have someone on board, working for US, that can communicate with real estate agents in their language.

The result? we got way above an independent market value and with the exact sale conditions that we wanted and with no stress on our part.

We recommend JPP to anyone looking at buying, managing or selling property.

Emil and Penny

Emil and Penny

Dear JPP,

Just a shout to thank you so much for all your hard work and help along the way to securing our new home in Melbourne. We could not be happier with the property and remain impressed by the level of service we received.

Thank you very much,



Just wanted to let you know how much we appreciated all your hard work and support in helping us to find our first home.

Buying our first house from interstate was a daunting prospect but with your leg work and advice we found our perfect place much more quickly than we’d imagined, and actually enjoyed the process!

We really looked forward to receiving the worksheets you sent through and your amazingly quick responses to our frequent emails! Nothing we ever asked was too much trouble. It was great the way you took our needs (including our cat’s) into account.

We’re both really indecisive people, and never would have dreamed we’d have the guts to buy a place unseen, but such was our trust in you (and the very detailed photos you sent us) that we took the plunge…and now having seen the house it’s even better than we’d anticipated!

We also really appreciated Ian’s advice and support on the day of the auction. It was a nervous time, listening on the phone to the auction from Perth, but he kept us informed every step of the way and this really helped.

We’ve never come across such a friendly and helpful team. Courtney and Samantha were fantastic when we came to visit and when our bank cheque went missing. We wouldn’t hesitate to recommend you to other people, and will certainly be seeking out your help when we want to buy our next house (that’s if we ever want to move out of this one!).

And…sorry we left the box of chocolates we bought for you on the tram!

Thanks Again!

Roland and Fiona

Roland and Fiona

Justin, Courtney & Ian provided invaluable guidance in helping us aquire our first home.

Always on hand to view properties with us, answer any questions we had, they did all the legwork and we are sure we would not have secured the property without their assistance & support



JPP (Ian, Courntey, Justin) have been excellent guides in finding our new house, giving us generously of their time at hours convenient to us. Their assessments and estimations of the various properties we saw was always on the mark.
For one property, they alerted us to upcoming building developments that were going to affect a property we were interested in.
Especially useful to us was their ability to point out hidden flaws regarding the buildings themselves, and their on the spot ability to give a rough estimate of the money it would take to fix those issues. JPP have prevented us from buying a charming money pit or two.
Also rather essential was that they took all the paperwork chasing out of our hands.
If you have little experience fixing up houses, if you want information beyond the spin from the vendor’s agent, if you don’t want to chase paperwork, if you don’t want to gamble your savings away at an auction on your own, you need help. JPP provides that help, and then some.

Koen and Liz

Koen and Liz

Hi Courtney and Ian

Just writing to thank you for your help in purchasing our property, which we moved into yesterday, and to provide you with another testimony for your website.

We came to you without a clear idea of what was available, and stressed at the thought of entering the often duplicitous and time consuming nature of buying a house. You helped us to get a great house in a great area at a very fair price.

We were saved from tiring and time-wasting round of open-for-inspections, and were given the VIP treatment of viewing properties at a time and date which suited us. You also spared us from having to guess how truthful or untruthful the selling agent was being with his price.

The beautiful home in Bentleigh which we eventually brought (given the market now, it seems like a very good price; at the time, it was definately a more-than-fair price) was one which I am sure we would not have even visited had we been left to our own devices. We are delighted to be living there, and the suburb was top of our list in desired locations which we thought might be in our price range.
Courtney was always available, charming and helpful, right up until the moving in day, when we set the burglar alarm off and telephoned her for help in turning it off (I had to turn off the mains power whilst we were hunting down her phone number).

Thanks again.

All the best,

David and Lara

David and Lara

Well Done, Thank you, I would recommend your services to friends who are looking to purchase property.
Ian was very down to earth and spoke in layman’s terms



I would like to thank the team at JPP Buyer Advocates for finding our investment property.
The level of service and communication from Ian throughout the process was fantastic.



Buying our first home is the biggest financial investment we will ever make and we wanted to ensure we had an unbiased professional representative on our side. Justin has made this whole process transparent, organising on our behalf from building inspection to property lawyers. We felt JPP had our vested interest at heart. We got more than we expected.
Justin & JPP, thank you for your exceptional service and professionalism. We have been recommending this service to our friend, family & acquaintances.

Marie & Sohrab

Marie & Sohrab

After a couple of frustrating experiences trying to purchase a property ourselves, we employed JPP Buyer Advocates. It was the best decision. Having a buyer advocate removed the worry, anxiety and stress of the entire purchasing process. In our opinion they definitely saved us money.

Peter & Lyn

Peter & Lyn

JPP made purchasing our investment property easy. We were dreading getting back in the market after a very drawn out experience buying our own property 2 years ago. The suggestion put to us by JPP meant that we purchased our new investment within six weeks, painless!



Hi Ian and JPP,

Thank you so much for the basket of fruit, it was a lovely surprise. It was a pleasure doing business with your firm. You definitely made things a lot less stressful. If we had tried to do this on our own I think we would have given up by now. We will have no hesitation in using JPP again in the future and will recommend you to all of our friends. Using you was definitely money well spent. Keep up the good work.

Kind Regards,

Karen and David

Karen and David

JPP Buyer Advocates are champions!

We are truly impressed with the service we received and continue to receive during the purchase of our property.

Ian and the team at JPP are knowledgeable, professional, efficient and communicative – precisely what you need when taking steps to purchase a new home or investment property.

As first home buyers, the process was intimidating (at best) and Ian was excellent at explaining the steps involved. Ian’s obvious talent and experience in real estate meant we were confident we were in great hands – we walked out feeling exhilarated and hopeful, armed with lots of information.

In our situation, we saw a house we liked – went to see Ian that weekend – and had our offer accepted less than a week later! He truly went above and beyond our expectations, negotiating on our behalf and keeping us well informed along the way.

As a well-intentioned buyer, unavoidably, you can be on the ‘back foot’ with regard to the selling agents – they serve the vendor and may not be quick to return your calls or keep you updated.

In our case, Ian was cool, calm and in control at all times – using his experience in real estate to secure our property. We were lucky to have someone on “our side” and I do believe we would not have the home we love without Ian’s hard work and strategy.

After reading the testimonials on the website (like you are doing now) and thinking “JPP sound wonderful” (they are), we are extremely grateful we made the call.

Having an experienced representative to guide you and work on your behalf makes all the difference.

We would thoroughly and whole-heartedly recommend JPP Buyer Advocates. The value of their input far exceeds saving money (which we did!), we were so grateful to have someone to give us clear and quick answers and fantastic support.

Thank you Ian, Courtney and the team at JPP!

Katharine and Tristan

Katharine and Tristan

After a long and frustrating experience with another buyers agent we found JPP to be fantastic. They provided lots of information and advice and were great to deal with. Within about a month, we had purchased a property.

Peter & Helen

Peter & Helen

Upon meeting Ian and later JPP, I knew I was in the best hands with using JPP to help me find the right home at the right time in a manner I was comfortable with. I was reassured by their knowledge & expertise and sincerity as well as ease of communication. JPPs warmth and enthusiasm made the entire process a much easier and less daunting task than I had imagined and experienced beforehand.

My sincere thanks to Ian, Sam, Courtney & especially JPP for all the advice, support and especially negotiations on my behalf.

This would not have been possible otherwise.




We checked out most of the advocates, chose JPP during our personal interview on the spot. We just felt we could trust them to do the right thing! And we were right!



I personally recommend JPP Buyer Advocates to anyone wishing to buy a property, House etc. This was the most stress free transaction I have had in purchasing a home.



I really valued JPP’s skill in identifying good properties for me and their experience in negotiating the final sale.



This is the first time we have used a buyers advocate and it made buying our first investment property not as ‘scary’. JPP was very professional and a great help. We wouldn’t hesitate to use them again.

Michelle & Stephen

Michelle & Stephen

JPP impressed us from the start, especially compared with the other buyers agencies that we had approached for information. Ian, you were very approachable, knowledgeable and confident and made us believe that this would work. JPP, you were a superstar, efficiently doing all searching and inspecting, taking pictures, analysing, talking to real estate agents and keeping us informed of any developments on a daily basis.



Couldn’t have asked for a better buyer’s agent!
We are stoked to have bought a house that checks all our boxes, in an area that we only dreamt of and within our budget!! Loved working with Ian, who is extremely knowledgeable and gave us sound advice despite the uncertain market conditions throughout 2022. In addition to sourcing, analysing and negotiating to secure the property for us, Ian gave us several tips and recommendations throughout the journey that have set up for success! Money well spent and we would definitely be using JPP Buyers Advocate again if the opportunity presents itself in the future. Highly recommend!!



JPP Buyer Advocates have been fantastic through this whole buying process, especially Ian.
Having Ian on board pretty much took the pressure off the situation. Both my wife and I were very impressed with the communication and control of the process the whole way through.
Thank-you Ian and Sam for your help, we have already mentioned your name to others, I would not hesitate using you again in the future




It’s hard to believe that it is actually going to be ours, especially as we haven’t seen it. Thank you for getting us through the process of finding, and bidding on the property, I am sure if it was up to us we would have paid a lot more for the property and we would have gone through even more stress to get it. Thank you for being so understanding. You made this a great experience and it was a real pleasure working with you and Ian.
Thanks again for all you did for us.

Karen and David

Karen and David

As soon as I engaged JPP I felt much relieved. Trying to buy a new home in Melbourne, while still living in New Zealand, was proving hugely stressful, not to mention difficult, but Ian quickly reassured me as to how they could take this angst away from me. When I visited, JPP was terrific and showed me round several properties. I found the advice from both Ian (investment) and JPP (home) to be hugely helpful in my decision making but in the end they listened to what I wanted and really delivered. I even felt comfortable buying my new home without having physically seen the place – the photos and discussions with both Ian and JPP really reassured me that this was the right place for me. When I did visit, my initial thoughts were reinforced.I would recommend JPP to anyone buying a home – I absolutely believe they made the entire process so much easier and provided great value. The negotiation process was painless for me as Ian handled this and I am convinced I could never have bought so well if I had continued to do this on my own.

Really looking forward to starting my new life over in Melbourne.

See you soon, and a huge THANK YOU for all your help. Your thoughts and comments and suggestions were much appreciated.

