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How We Work
Buying your home
Buying your investment
Renting your property
Selling your property
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Dedicated Buyer Advocates in Melbourne & Victoria

We are Licensed Real Estate Agents that specialise in buying property. We are known as Buyer Advocates, Buyer Agents or Property Finders. We are licensed in the state of Victoria in the same way as any selling agent is, and we are members of the REIV. As Buyer Advocates we work only for the buyer.

We will not sell you any properties. We will not tell you to buy an apartment because that is what we always buy. We will not tell you that one suburb is a better area for you to buy in than another. Because every person buying property is different. You have different needs, budgets and goals. We will listen to you and then give opinions of what to purchase that will fit your goals.

Our aim is to assist the buyer to find the right property at the right price in the right time.

What is a Buyer’s Advocate or Buyer’s Agent?

A Buyer’s Advocate or Buyer’s Agent is a licensed Real Estate Agent that works for the buyer. The Estate Agents Act tells us that an estate agent can only have one principal and that the principal is the person who pays the agent. In the situation of a vendor selling his property; He engages a selling agent and pays them a commission and therefore the selling agent must work in the best interests of the seller. The selling agent is contractually obligated not to assist a buyer.

A buyer’s advocate or buyer’s agent is paid by the purchaser and is contractually obligated to only assist the buyer. A buyer’s advocate typically can assist with information about where to buy (budget, types and styles of property) searching, assessing and of course, negotiating. A good buyer’s advocate will level the playing field between the buyer and seller and mitigate the one sidedness of the property purchase.

Who uses a Buyer’s Advocate?

Simply put – anyone purchasing a property should be using a buyer’s advocate or buyer’s agent. It is no different to going to court and one side has legal representation and the other does not. It would be seen in the courts as totally unfair, however nobody actually warns a purchaser they should seek their own representation. The Real Estate Institute of Victoria have now adopted a policy to encourage ALL purchasers to engage the services of a licensed REIV Buyers Agent in order to receive professional advice whenever they purchase property. This was adopted by their Board of Directors in 2013.

Market News RSS

Current Melbourne Housing Market

On February 15, 2023 By Ian James

In the current housing market everyone has an opinion, including me of course! We have all seen the news headlines either in print or onlineRead more

Return to Stay at Home restrictions for metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire – UPDATE

On July 10, 2020 By Ian James

Further to the information provided on Tuesday regarding the return to Stage three restrictions, we have received some further clarificationRead more

COVID – 19 – Update

On April 15, 2020 By Ian James

Hi Everyone, Obviously, everyone is finding life different to what it has been in the past. “Unprecedented” is being thrown around a lot theRead more

Weekly Stats

Monday 22nd July
Total Auctions466
Passed In69
Passed in after Vendor's Bid49
Sold Before Auction109
Sold at Auction239
Sold after Auction0
Clearance Rate75%
Total Private Sales
Source: REIV, week ending 21/07/2024
...Read More »


Nat and Flo

On June 16, 2024

Ian helped us to found a home during a particularly slow / quiet markeRead more


On November 22, 2022

Couldn’t have asked for a better buyer’s agent! We are stoRead more


On November 6, 2022

Ian gave us more than we could ask for. He was tremendously helpful evRead more


On May 30, 2022

Buying property in Melbourne is hard. It’s fast paced and you neRead more


On October 10, 2021

I’m a first home buyer and had been looking for a home for aboutRead more


On July 15, 2020

This was our first home purchase and buying during the lock down perioRead more

Halah & Lorian

On June 14, 2020

Ian James was extremely knowledgeable, honest and straightforward to dRead more


On October 7, 2019

I personally recommend JPP Buyer Advocates to anyone wishing to buy aRead more

Emil and Penny

On January 12, 2017

When we bought our current house 5 years ago we asked JPP to help us fRead more


On November 22, 2016

Justin provided excellent communication and service. He attended to alRead more